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The PRIME Plan
– Register up to 500 songs over 12 months –

✓ up to 500 songs!
If you have a lot of songs to register...
submit them anytime you want,
for 1 full year!
For ONE fee:
$99.95 total*
* 1 - 4 pymts

The Perfect Plan for Busy Songwriters!

Most Popular Plan

Use this plan to submit MANY songs – now, or in the future!

Sign up – pick a password – submit songs anytime!

Pay fee in 1 - 4 pymts – but register songs NOW! Make either 1 pymt of $99.95, or 3-4 monthly pymts. And begin registering songs right away!

Songs and documents securely archived, always available to you or your attorney.
Each time you upload songs, your Affidavit is delivered INSTANTLY!
Once registered, songs remain registered – even if you don't renew your plan!

Inspire to Compose!
Any catches?   No!     Just 3 simple rules:

1.  Only YOU, the copyright owner (individual or team), can use this plan — it is non-transferable.

2.  Songs must be submitted using our Online Uploader  no email attachments, mail-in's, or cloud links.

3.  There's a 500-song maximum per 12-month period.

Why Use SongRegistration®?
A+ business rating

Proven track record

100% money-back guarantee

• NO recurring payments EVER
(renew only if you want)
To begin registering songs, click below, pay fee, choose a password.

PRIME Plan Terms  (in addition to our general Terms of Use):

  • Your "PRIME Plan" is NOT transferable.  Unauthorized use by anyone but YOU – the lawful, registered copyright owner of the material – will result in termination from the Program and deletion of songs.

  • The $99.95 fee covers twelve months of submissions, up to 500 songs total. To register above that maximum, you can sign up for a new Plan anytime. When your 12-month Plan ends, you will be reminded to renew — although you don't have to (we NEVER take automatic payments from your credit card).  And even if you later don't renew, material already registered REMAINS registered. Renewal affects only future registrations and support.

  • All musical pieces must be submitted using our Online Uploader ONLY (no mail-in's or email attachments). We are always available to assist in using the Uploader.  For mail-in's or email attachments please use our standard ($29.95) registration plan.

  • You will be able to print your registration documents instantly. You are also emailed an extra copy automatically when your uploads completes. Your documents will include: (a) registrar's name and address, (b) titles and song files, (c) submission date and time, (d) composer names, (e) originating IP address and (f) locater-ID of your material in our registered archives.

  • SongRegistration™ maintains certified copies of your documents and all registered work.

By signing up for this program you agree to these terms and our general Terms.

The PRIME Plan has a 12-month submission period and 500-song maximum.   Renewing is alway optional — we never do auto-pay! And songs remain registered even if you don't renew.

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