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Copyright Your Songs and Music for Free ???

One of the most common things that songwriters search for online, is how to register original musical material for free.

But as the saying goes, nothing in life is really free (or "you get what you pay for") ...

Actually that's not technically true. Your actual song copyright itself IS free (since federal protection legally attaches automatically, as soon as you put your work into physical form).

So the short and technical answer is that – as soon as you've actually written it all down, you've done it!

Of course "technically" having copyright protection, and being able to prove that you do – that the material is really yours and you own the rights to it if somebody tries stealing it – ARE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS...

To prove it you'll need INDEPENDENT EVIDENCE (so DON'T use "the poor man's copyright" – click here to read why not).

Meaning, if you take your music seriously, you need to REGISTER it with an established, reliable registration service, such as or the Copyright Office.

For more information, you can get our Free Copyright Information Packet emailed to you by just visiting our site and clicking the link at the bottom!  You can also review the tens of thousands of songwriters and music publishers from more than 55 different countries who have registered their original material with us over the years.

As best we can tell however, there are NO reputable companies offering registration completely for free!   One way or the other, either through a "membership fee," "annual dues," "sign-up fees," or just an honest registration fee (as with us), any reputable company MUST charge you something to stay in business, process your order, and store your songs and documentation.

So don't expect any free rides (and if one is offered, BEWARE).   But what we can offer is the LOWEST price possible to register and maintain evidence of the key elements of your copyrights – your tangible-form date and the exact content of your work.   Reliable, proven music registration services without any gimmicks.

Happy songwriting!
For more tips on songwriting, go to our Blog or Facebook pages (linked at the bottom of any of our main pages).


- nothing herein is to be construed as legal advice; always check with an attorney before relying on legal information -

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